Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 04: Yin and Yang

2 min readJan 7, 2022

This is ancient Chinese wisdom. I try to translate it.

Opposition restriction

Mutual confrontation and restriction

Take attack and defense as an example; If there is an attacker, there will be a defender, and if there is a defensive way, there will be a desire to crack. However, although attack and defense restrict each other, we have to admit that black production is always at the forefront. No other, profit driven.

Mutual accumulation and mutual transformation

Mutual accumulation, mutual education and mutual transformation

Take Party A and Party B as an example; The attacker can serve the manufacturer or go inside Party A. Defenders can not only serve enterprises, but also precipitate experience into products. The defender obtains the services of the manufacturer and provides services to the enterprise at the same time.

Mutual source and mutual use

Interdependence and staggered application

Take enterprises and regulatory authorities as an example; Enterprises and individuals form trade associations, which help regulatory authorities improve laws and regulations and solicit opinions from professionals. On the contrary, the latest standards help enterprises build themselves and help the industry more standardized.

Growth and decline balance

This fades and that fades

Take value and risk as an example; With the gradual increase of value, the risk will become greater. Most attackers do not waste resources on worthless targets. Fraudsters will not target tramps. Enterprises represent more and more interests, they will face the supervision of the state. From fire protection review to antitrust law. It is ideal when the value brought is relatively balanced with the unknown risk.


  1. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 01: Basic Viewpoint
  2. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 02: Know your business
  3. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 03: Know your organization
  4. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 04: Yin and Yang
  5. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 05: Know Your Architecture
  6. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 06: Enterprise Security Architecture Basics
  7. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 07: Security Architecture Basics
  8. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 08: Security Solutions
  9. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 09: Continuous Delivery
  10. Building Your Own Security Architecture Chapter 10: Become A Security Architect

This translation was based on 《安全架构要参:构建企业适用的安全架构》,and if you can read Chinese, please visit

